During the course of the Federal Maritime Commission’s (FMC) investigation of the demurrage and detention practices of the vessel operators in Docket No. 19-05, Interpretive Rule on Demurrage and Detention Under the Shipping Act, several parties raised concerns about why they should have been invoiced for any of those or other charges in the first […]
GKG Law's Keith Swirsky was invited to serve as a panelist for the Aviation International News (AIN) webinar "Separating Fact from Fiction," which took place on October 6. Keith and his co-presenters, Mesinger Jet Sales CEO/President Jay Mesinger and Solairus Aviation Chairman/CEO Dan Drohan, shared candid insights and opinions on the real state of the business aviation market, what to […]
GKG Law's Oliver Krischik led the Lorman webinar "How to Ensure Compliance With GDPR When Drafting Vendor Agreements" on October 6. Webinar attendees learned how to draft agreements with vendors and customers in a manner that is compliant with the GDPR, how to recognize when a vendor agreement needs to address GDPR compliance, and the GDPR requirements for […]
SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD RISING TO FULL STRENGTH JUST AS BEGEMAN'S TERM CLOSES AND THE POLITICAL SEAS (POTENTIALLY) CHANGE. The United States Surface Transportation Board (STB) is on the verge of a significant transition. Coming changes are in the Board’s composition and the possible effects on its regulatory process. Rail transportation professionals should consider ways in […]
GKG Law's Oliver Krischik was invited to serve as a featured panelist for an American Muslim Bar Association (AMBA) webinar that took place on September 30 at 8:30 pm ET. Oliver, a member of the AMBA’s Legal Resource Network, spoke about various aspects of U.S. sanctions law.
The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) and National Air Transportation Association (NATA) joined forces to draft and submit to the IRS and Department of the Treasury detailed comments in response to the July 31, 2020 proposed Excise Taxes; Transportation of Persons by Air; Transportation of Property by Air; Aircraft Management Services regulations. This notice of […]
GKG Law Principal Katie Meyer authored an article published by the American Society of Association Executives (ASAE) on September 24. See complete article here and below. Association HR staff should review policies and practices around hiring and termination to reduce the likelihood that implicit bias is influencing their process and leaving their staff less diverse. […]
On Thursday, September 17, GKG Law's Keith Swirsky led the one-hour webinar "Income Tax Considerations: Family Offices & Business Aircraft." During this program, Keith discussed income tax issues that often arise in connection with the acquisition, ownership and disposition of business aircraft in the family office context. Attendees learned about income tax deductions for investment use activities. Keith also covered select […]
The new normal developed in response to the coronavirus pandemic has radically changed the way that professional services are provided to consumers. For many professions, working remotely rather than in an office setting has become pervasive. Virtual physical exams have become commonplace in health care. Virtual education is the norm for students from preschool through […]
GKG Law Principal Tom Wilcox authored an article that published in the National Coal Transportation Association's September 10 On Track newsletter. Tom's article, "Changes Coming to the U.S. Surface Transportation Board" can be seen here and below. The United States Surface Transportation Board (STB) has had a very interesting tenure over the past two years, […]