Note: GKG Law's Steven John Fellman serves as General Counsel to the TRSA. This article was published in a June 2018 edition of the TRSA's Textile Services Weekly. If it hasn’t already happened, you may soon get a notice from one of your major customers advising you that in order to continue serving the customer, […]
In response to a petition filed by Ed Greenberg on behalf of the National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America. On June 6, 2018, the Federal Maritime Commission voted unanimously in its Docket 17-10 to approve groundbreaking relief for NVOCCs by significantly expanding the Negotiated Rates Arrangement (NRA) and NVOCC Service Arrangement (NSA) exemptions. […]
During annual meetings, conferences, educational courses, and other events, associations are frequently asked to provide special accommodations to members and other attendees that have qualified disabilities, as required under the Americans with Disabilities Act (the “ADA”). However, associations often wonder what auxiliary aids and services are acceptable accommodations under the ADA. Is an association required […]
GKG Law, P.C. recently successfully represented a non-vessel operating common carrier (NVOCC) in litigation in which the NVOCC's customer requested that another shipper be identified on the NVOCC's bills of lading while the goods were in transit. Subsequently, when the goods arrived at their destination and were unable to clear Customs because the goods were […]
Keith Swirsky, President, GKG Law, P.C., will give a presentation at the 2018 NBAA Business Aviation Taxes Seminar, Registration & Legal Conference in Dallas, Texas entitled "Changes to Personal Entertainment.” For more information, please click here.
Ed Greenberg, a Principal in GKG Law's Transportation, Trade & Logistics Practice, will be a panelist at the Virginia Maritime Association's 2018 International Trade Symposium in Norfolk, VA on May 10, 2018. Ed' s panel is entitled "Demurrage, Detention & Delays; Seeking Solutions"and will focus on the following: The charges are high, unpredictable, and requirements to secure payment often […]
On May 1, 2018, GKG Law’s non-profit organization client (the “Organization”) received notification from the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) that, after a four-month long examination, they would be refunded nearly $2 million in taxes paid on income that the IRS improperly deemed to be Unrelated Business Income (“UBI”). This result comes after the Organization initially […]
Opioid Abuse is Everywhere
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (the “2017 Act”), which was passed by Congress and signed by the President on December 22, 2017, contains a number of provisions that directly impact owners and operators of business jet aircraft; this Legislative Alert summarizes those provisions that are most pertinent to aircraft owners and operators. […]
Antitrust Law 101 teaches us that the antitrust laws are designed to protect the consumer by outlawing unreasonable restraints on trade and unfair and deceptive trade practices. Association executives know about the basic antitrust laws. Association executives and association lawyers have applied these laws to various industry associations and professional societies for decades and […]